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The Path of IX - Walking With our Shadow

Jul 30, 2022

As the world around us speeds up, the act of slowing down becomes ever more important and necessary. It can be easy to get lost in the day to day shuffle, hustling to earn more, have more, and be more. But who says it has to be this way and is there any alternative? Today I welcome a guest who has walked the path of...

Jul 23, 2022

How can we walk boundless and connected to ourselves, to humanity, and to earth with all its beings? What are the limits we place on ourselves? Where did these limits come from and can we move past them? Today, I’m honored to be joined by Wes Parrish. Wes is a storyteller with the art of listening and finding wisdom....

Jul 16, 2022

How can we untangle the webs that keep us stuck in the habits that no longer serve us? What can we do to move past survival mode and into a season of thriving? In this episode we will welcome in and learn from Grandmother Spider. Join us as we enter Circle humbly, ready to listen and learn the ways of this great...

Jul 9, 2022

What does it mean to TRULY walk in circleness? This is a recurring theme for me, and I’m excited to dive deeper into the idea of circleness and the value of simplicity with my very first guest Mixchelle Evans—a storyteller, writer, and the meditation & ceremonial guide behind In this...

Jul 2, 2022

How can we connect to the dead? What lessons can be learned from simply listening to those that have gone before us and the plants and animals that surround us? They all hold so much wisdom, perspective, and lessons that we need to know. In today’s episode I welcome Perdita Finn. She’s an author and a teacher....