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The Path of IX - Walking With our Shadow

Jun 24, 2023

Today we’re bringing to the circle Lori Glazebrook, a somatic practitioner, certified yoga teacher, and land-tender who weaves cultural somatics and subtle body understanding into their work. Join us for this conversation as Lori tells us about their amazing creation story, their journey, and how they’re here in...

Jun 17, 2023

In today’s episode, I invite you into a conversation with Ash Bell, an extremely talented Australian teacher who’s passionate about supporting people on their path to healing, shining, and thriving. We’re diving into Ash's travels and the lessons she learned, the significance of slow medicine,...

Jun 10, 2023

Where do you come from? If someone asks you this question, you probably answer with a city. But the indigenous mindset around this question is quite different, and today I want to invite you into a conversation around this way of thinking.


Because the way indigenous people tend to relate to themselves—particularly...

Jun 3, 2023

How do you meet life, with all its ebbs and flows? Are you constantly striving to master new things, but full of stress and feeling broken by the challenges that inevitably come your way? 

What if you approached life with a different lens instead? One of wisdom, of learning, and of wonder, where you could develop a good...